
That's right, we're engaged!

The Proposal...

On Friday, May 25th, Adam -- who isn't the best at keeping secrets -- decided to surprise me at my office.  Adam knocked on my door, and when I least expected it, proceeded to ask me the most important question of our lives.

"Kasey," Adam said, "I have this AMAZING plan for the two of us.  I have dinner reservations for us tonight, and I was going to surprise you at the restaurant..."

"Adam," I exclaimed, "don't tell me your secret plans, I want to be surprised!"

With a smile on his face, Adam replied, "I just can't wait anymore."  With that, he got down on one knee and -- after fumbling with the ring box because his hands were shaking -- finally asked, "Will you marry me?"

With tears in my eyes, I, of course, said "yes!"

To celebrate our engagement, my parent's thew us a surprise engagement party with some of our closest family friends.  With wedding planning books, a game for the bride and groom to be, chocolate covered strawberries, and a pink feather boa and tiara for me, it's safe to say we had an amazing night!  Thanks mom and dad for such an awesome surprise!

Now that Adam's "put a ring on it," we're excited to get started with our wedding planning, and more importantly we're excited to plan our lifetime together!  Please follow our blog as we go from engagement, to marriage, to a lifetime of happiness!  None of this would be possible without you...our wonderful family and friends.  We love you all! :)